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    Temat: Kura czy jajko - Mac czy PC?
    ...... wiekszosc fontow jest dwoplatformowa (przynajmniej theta ktora mam) W pracy siedze na g3 i macos9.2.2 w domu na piecu (xp), ten g3 czesto zalicza zwiechy, podczas gdy piec pracuje na g4pci po 10h dziennie i nic sie nie dzieje najczestsze przyczyny problemow z macami to kable, kiepsie dokladki sprzetowe lub majstrowanie przy systemie extensions etc nic z takich rzeczy. Powiem ci tak, jesli wszystko dziala ci tip top to po co zmieniac? wlasnie?! (-whats wrong with your old car? -3 words: six_wheel_drive!) Nie piszesz na jakiego maca bys zmienil, od siebie odradzam system 9 i wersje macow wlacznie i ponizej g3 400 :-D ... wszystkie systemy od 8.6 wciaz sa bardzo dobre do pracy do prepresu dtp poligrafii x jest troche gorszy (subiektywne) jezeli cie stac to kup cos na agp ... ze wzgledu na ata66 chyba ze dokupienie kontrolera za 400netto wciaz czyni atrakcyjnym zakup czegos starszego F
    Źródło: topranking.pl/1263/kura,czy,jajko,mac,czy,pc.php

    Temat: Oddac do uzytku
    Witam, Jak mozna przetlumaczyc: "oddac do uzytku" (np. nowowybudowany budynek)? Zawsze myslalem, ze "to commission". "Commission" odpowiada definicji w duzym Websterze (nie tym z empikow), ale cos tu nie gra :-(( Przyklad z Webstera dotyczy statkow, i samochodow w tym znaczeniu. "in use or service or in a condition for service (put the old car back in commission for a time)" W Guglu "commission" nie wystepuje w poblizu "building" w odpowiedniej kombinacji/znaczeniu. Przynajmniej nie na pierwszych stronach. Nie bardzo moge przetlumaczyc to w sposob opisowy, z roznych powodow. Dziekuje. Pozdrawiam Yarroll
    Źródło: topranking.pl/1531/oddac,do,uzytku.php

    Temat: Angielski zadanie
    ...where were you and janet meeting we were meeting in park she was walking home was it raining much last summer? noy in iuly but it was raining a lot in august what were the people doing in your house at eight a.m yesterday they were plumbers they were removing the leaking pipes was Alice waiting in the hall while you were dressing no I was inviting her to sit down in the living room How much was mr jenkins paying for that old car it wasn"t costing much about one thousand David was holding mary"s hand when you
    Źródło: topranking.pl/945/angielski,zadanie.php

    Temat: Angielski zadanie
    ...last summer? Not in July byt it ...had.........(rain)a lot in August. What....had........(the pepole/do)in your house at eight a.m.yesterday? They were plumbers. They....had.....(remove) the leaking pipes. ....did.......(Alice/wait)in the hall while you...gived......(dress)? No,I....had.....(invite)her to sit down in the living-room. How much......had.....(Mr Jenkins/pay)for that old car? It....did.........(not cost)much-about one thousand. .....did.........(David/hold)Mary"s hand when you. oto chodzilo?
    Źródło: topranking.pl/945/angielski,zadanie.php

    Temat: Zapach w samochodzie
    Autentyk! Widzialem w wersji "glosniczek" (a propos - fajna nazwa). Tylko chyba z tym to tak jak z zapachem New Car - oryginal lepszy ;-) I dlaczego nie ma zapachow Old Car - dla zwolennikow oldtimerow i Old Girl dla... no wlasnie, dla kogo? Pozdrawiam - vtec
    Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,20,310225,310225,Zapach_w_samochodzie.html

    Temat: Toronto-Sao Paulo of the north
    ...is all lip service! I had brought with me as my money, a sum of just over $ 25000. When my wife came, we had sold off our property and managed another $ 35000. I had tried my level best to get a decent job and in the meanwhile, had lived on survival jobs. My earnings were so far, close to $ 122,000 in these five long years. That works out to 147,000 as money generated by me. Plus the 35000 $ which is $1,82,000 in 5 years. From all this what do I have now? Just about $ 3,000 and an old car that would fetch me about $ 750 at best. Thus $ 3750 to pay for tickets! Go back to where I came from and start all over again! And with no money at all, a beggar in my own country from Day One! What does this mean? Even with the most frugal ways of living, spending on just the barest of bare minimum, one still cannot survive. A proper job is needed! And where is it? Let us analyze a few things. They say Canada needs technical personnel! What did I do...
    Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,44,68717364,68717364,Toronto_Sao_Paulo_of_the_north.html

    Temat: potrzebna pomoc: 3 istotne zagadnienia gramatyczne
    ...pomoc , w miarę szybką bo do matury ;-) 1. czym jest tzw. coloured future? (znalazłam tylko jedną publikację na jakiejś angielskiej stronie na ten teamt, ale jest tak zawile wytłumaczoone, że dalej mam problem...) 2. czy mógłby mi ktoś podać przykłady rzeczowników mających: (a) tylko fomrę liczny pojedynczej (b) tylko formę liczby mnogiej (c) dwie formy liczby mnogiej 3. i na koniec -> dlaczego raz mówi się "That old car of Jo`s is unsafe" a kiedy indziej: "the illness of Carolyn" (bez - "`s") serdecznie pozdrawiam i bardzo bardzo na Was liczę :-)
    Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,517,41078470,41078470,potrzebna_pomoc_3_istotne_zagadnienia_gramatyczne.html

    Temat: Bathtub cheese
    > And what about this: > " old car dealer" - Is that an old person selling cars (maybe brand new) or > someone selling old cars? Maybe not the best example... See, used car dealers no longer want to be referred to as such - they want to be called "preowned car dealers". Imagine what would happen if you came up to your average used junk dealership demanding to be shown all 'old cars' in stock. The outrage you would be causing... ;))) AFAIK, used or preowned cars have...
    Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,517,18298569,18298569,Bathtub_cheese.html

    Temat: Wydech z nierdzewki
    Mam pytanko. Kto w Krakowie podejmie zrobienia(wygięcia) wydechu(całego) z nierdzewki. Sprawdz w firmie Old Car, Kochanow za Zabierzowem (http://republika.pl/tlumiki/). Na pewno robia sportowe tlumiki i nierdzewne koncowki, ale czy zrobia caly wydech z kwasoodpornej - tego nie wiem. pozdr. R2
    Źródło: topranking.pl/1632/wydech,z,nierdzewki.php

    Temat: Fwd: Computer Humor
    ...a deluxe set of Rand McNally road maps (now a GM subsidiary), even though they neither need nor want them.  Attempting to delete this option would immediately cause the car's performance to diminish by 50% or more.  Moreover, GM would become a target for investigation by the Justice Department. 12.  Every time GM introduced a new model car, buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car. 13.  You'd press the "start" button to shut off the engine. ===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE=================== ============================= OS/2 WARP 4ever PrzemysÂław PaweÂłczyk (Warpman)    Freelance journalist Os. Centrum B 1/89                   Phone +48 12 642-13-00 31-926 Kraków                  ...
    Źródło: topranking.pl/1377/65,fwd,computer,humor.php

    Temat: Fonda przeciw wojnie w Iraku
    I LOVE this car You may know that the a/c has not worked very well in my old car for quite some time. So: I just got my new car, and returned to the dealer the next day, complaining that I couldn't figure out how the radio worked. The salesman explained that the radio was voice activated. Watch this! he said..Nelson! The radio replied, Ricky or Willie? Willie! he continued....and On The Road Again came from the speakers. I drove away happy, and for the next few days, every time I'd say, Beethoven! I'd get beautiful...
    Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,26939505,26939505,Fonda_przeciw_wojnie_w_Iraku.html

    Temat: Kilka zdań- parafraza -help!!!
    ...for his work ( BE) 3.Apart from football he is a big fan of all team sports. He is a big fan of all team sports...................fotball ( EXCEPTION) 4.People say that Marilyn Monroe wore this dress. This dress.........................................( HAVE) 5.Thank you so much for your generosity, but I cant accept the gift. Much ........................for me to accept the gift( APPRECIATE) 6.This car is far better than my old one. My old car .............................(NOTHING) 7.His car wasnt needed yesterday , so his brother borrowed it to get to work. His.......................................it yesterday to get to work ( BEING) 8.Oswald is the only person I need to keep it a secret from. The ............................................it a secret is Oswald.( WHOM) Thanks:))))
    Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,517,80176241,80176241,Kilka_zdan_parafraza_help_.html

    Temat: Angielski zadanie
    ..................(it/rain)much last summer? Not in July byt it ............(rain)a lot in August. What............(the pepole/do)in your house at eight a.m.yesterday? They were plumbers. They.........(remove) the leaking pipes. ...........(Alice/wait)in the hall while you.........(dress)? No,I.........(invite)her to sit down in the living-room. How much...........(Mr Jenkins/pay)for that old car? It.............(not cost)much-about one thousand. ..............(David/hold)Mary"s hand when you.
    Źródło: topranking.pl/945/angielski,zadanie.php

    Temat: Buying a car in Poland
    My practical suggestion is that you get the seller to make out a sales bill to you and hand you the documents in England, and stick him on the plane back to Poland, and then deal with the DVLC in situ. Your biggest problem is not taxation, on an old car, it is insurance. The second biggest is proof of ownership - the DVLC might ask you to provide translations of the "dokument". The other advantage to my strategy is, if he dared to cross Europe in the banger, at least the old owner sincerely believes it is roadworthy!
    Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,29887,45812010,45812010,Buying_a_car_in_Poland.html

    Temat: Bathtub cheese
    And what about this: " old car dealer" - Is that an old person selling cars (maybe brand new) or someone selling old cars?
    Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,517,18298569,18298569,Bathtub_cheese.html

    Temat: Maluch-Słowacja
    ...na ten temat na niemiecko-szwajcarskim przejsciu granicznym i udzielono mi tam autorytatywnej odpowiedzi, ze jesli pojazd jest dopuszczony do ruchu w kraju z ktorego przyjezdza, to nie ma zadnych ograniczen z przekraczaniem granicy. Podobna odpowiedz otrzymalem mailem od kilku osob, ktore sa dosc blisko zwiazane z problematyka "starych samochodow". Ponizej cytuje obszerne fragmenty: : your country. Do you need a 'special permission' for driving an old car, : which is completely operational but doesn't comply to the modern : requirements applied to new vehicles (i.e. emission limmits for the : exhaust gases ) ?      [...]      As a non resident, basically country where the      tourist is living is in charge for allowing or not      a car to drive on Swiss territory (some minor      special cases can apply, where the car really is...
    Źródło: topranking.pl/1631/maluch,slowacja.php

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