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  • Cytaty miłosne :)

    Temat: Thats NOT true,you can't play games in W2k at all
    Actually, I believe that it IS a gaming platform, like NT x.x should have been. I'm referring to all the most recent games, not old DOS games. Now legacy games are another story...those I don't believe should be bothered within to some degree. my 2 cents.
    Źródło: compatdb.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1817

    Temat: microsoft designed games on linux?
    You can also play old DOS Games using DosBox. (Doesn't support protected mode games....so basically any game before 1993 should be fine)
    Źródło: compatdb.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=331

    Temat: dosemu
    I found mandrake rpms for it and installed on 9.0, didn't work on 8.2 without a newer kernel. I used freedos on it. Seems to work ok, will see if i can get some old dos games running on it. I know i have an old copy of privateer somewhere and redneck rampage.
    Źródło: mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=237

    Temat: Stars! for Linux
    I know this thread is ancient, but I've been waiting for a long to to be able to answer this, since I love old dos games, especially stars!. It now works under wine (20040917), you should also get winesetuptk. Run winesetutk, and under window mode set it to desktop with 1024x768 and you should be in good shape. Sorry it took two years, I just got it working today.
    Źródło: compatdb.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=24

    Temat: Gravis Ultrasound MAX, interesting stuff?
    ...the warm sounding FM-Synth (very cool with old games! the chipset is even easier to handle than the newer one suggested for midibox fm (and it sounds better, i think, more analogue) or Adlib Gold card (but they lack support) - Yamaha DB-60SW or SW60 somehow, like the DB-50XG Board but as an ISA Soundcard (though the DB50XG is a cool thing too, especially the enhanced mode...) - GUS cards do emulate just RAP and SCC in a simple GMIDI way, not the cool thing at all, but rather nice for old DOS Games, if you dont own the rare Rolands. these are the most important isa's, i know. anyhow, take alook at this: http://www.oldskool.org/sound/pc greetinx, claudio
    Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5496

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