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  • Cytaty miłosne :)

    Temat: Ministrowie
    Znalazłem co nieco o dowodztwie Ober-Ostu. Commanders of the German troops in the Baltic Commanders of the 8th Army (Befehlshaber der VIII Armee) 1918 - 1919 InfGen. Hugo Karl Gottlieb von Kathen 1855 - 1932 1919 LtGen. Ludwig Gustav Adolf von Estorff* 1859 - 1943 1919 InfGen. Ferdinand von Quast 1850 - 1939 As the Commanders of the 8th Army had little real power - the army being actually controlled by leftist Soldiers' Councils - it was soon replaced by a new 6th Army Reserve Corps which did incorporate some regular troops, but was for the most made up of German Free Corps, the most important of these being the Eisernen Division headed by Maj. Josef Bischoff (1872 - 1948). Commanders of the 6th Army Reserve Corps (Befehlshaber des...
    Źródło: eufi.org/showthread.php?t=10623

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