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  • Cytaty miłosne :)

    Temat: USA - czas na podatki
    Kto rzadzi ten rzadzi (i ponosi za to odpowiedzialnosc: The Federal Reserve System is divided into two parts: the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, located in Washington DC, and the Federal Reserve District Banks, located throughout the United States. Here is the official website of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors: If you examine this page, you will see that there are five members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. You will also see that all five(5) of the board members are Jewish. This is a numerical representation of 100%. Why is this important? It’s important because Jews only constitute about 2% of the...
    Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,89814166,89814166,USA_czas_na_podatki.html

    Temat: Fed Beige Book
    ...w Stanach w pierwszej polowie listopada wcale nie widac potwierdzenia dynamiki wzrostu w DGP. To jest to o czym mowilem wczesniej. Na ulicy w Stanach nie czuje sie oglaszanych ostatnio wspanialych statystyk. Zwruccie uwage na przymiotniki okreslajace dzialalnosc ekonomiczna w tym raporcie. Techstocker Fragment November 27 Beige Book: [.....] Economic activity grew slowly, on balance, in late October and early November, according to information received by Federal Reserve District Banks. Business conditions were described as soft or sluggish in Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Dallas. Cleveland and St. Louis reported mixed conditions. There was marginal improvement in Philadelphia, Kansas City, and New York. Richmond and San Francisco reported continued growth, but at a slower pace than in the previous survey period. Consumer spending varied among Federal Reserve Districts. There was some...
    Źródło: topranking.pl/1245/fed,beige,book.php

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