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  • Cytaty miłosne :)

    Temat: Midi 64 & Samplitude ver 7
    ...is one increment lower than the recieved value. in this way the value that is stored for snapping is always one value lower than the transmited value. When you want to go up you can't as you first have to return to the previous value which is lower and then again to an even lower previous value. Samplitude sucks for that. I don't know of any other app that does that. It must be somekind of stupid way to prevent feedback loops. With all due respect to samplitude for a great app, I feel midi is not their forte So sorry to plague you with bad news Thorsten, but I don't feel it is up to you to worry about but something that needs fixing in samplitude. BTW the combination of the new firmware and serge's editor really rocks. cheers  Greg
    Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=465

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • pies-bambi.htw.pl
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