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  • Cytaty miłosne :)

    Temat: ________________________
    ...How and why the signs relate to the specific months are based on intriguing talmudic, midrashic, and mystical explications. Maybe this chart will help allay some confusion: Name of month Month Number When it usually falls Zodiac sign Tishrei Seventh September-October Libra Heshvan Eighth October-November Scorpio Kislev Ninth November-December Sagittarius Tevet Tenth December-January Capricorn Shevat Eleventh January- February Aquarius Adar (plus sometimes Adar 2) Twelfth (and Thirteenth) February-March (and sometimes April too) Pisces Nissan First March-April Aries Iyar Second April-May Taurus Sivan Third May-June Gemini Tamuz Fourth June-July Cancer Av Fifth July-August Leo Elul Fourth August-September Virgo One more thing: The Jewish year is also different. When we say that the year is 5757, that means 5757 years from the birth of Adam (you...
    Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,1620737,1620737,_.html

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