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  • Cytaty miłosne :)

    Temat: Cohen Camps - CAMP TEVYA
    a propos swinskiej grypy, to wlasnie slucham wiadomosci na bbc.uk i tu jest w ogole inne podejscie do tego tematu niz w polsce. u nas to media sieją panikę i robią wielkie zamieszanie wokol tego tematu. a w anglii powiedzieli, ze nie ma powodow do obawy bo poza meksykiem nikt jesce nie umarl na ta grype, poza tym zalecili dbanie o higiene- mycie rak, etc. i jesce powiedzieli, ze nawet jesli bylaby to pandemia to swiat jesce nigdy nie byl tak dobrze na taka sytuacje prszygotowany... rozne zrodla- rozne punkty widzenia... takze...
    Źródło: forumcampamerica.pl/viewtopic.php?t=160

    Temat: Different URLs from the same domain
    I very much doubt that professional SEOers at kidshealth.org suggested a single one of those links: in other words, the SUBMITTAL policies are extremely unlikely to be broken. But in the rare cases where someone from an encyclopediac site from an internationally-recognized organization (such as smithsonian.org, ibiblio.com, harvard.edu, bbc.uk, or kidshealth.org) DOES suggest deeplinks, I tend to respond personally, thanking them for the content, inviting them to suggest their new content as it appears, and describing how they can make their suggestions more effective. Even if your description of the links were close to accurate (and I don't want to leave anyone with the impression that it is!) the number of pages would be irrelevant. I'd be ecstatic to be able to list a website containing Albert...
    Źródło: resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=44553

    Temat: Tvn Turbo Bez Top Gear TVNturbo schodzi na....
    panowie spokojnie tvn to nie wszystko BBC Uk utworzylo cos co sie nazywa IPLAYer MOZNA TAM OGLADAC WSZYSTKIE FILMY ,PROGRAMY NADAWANE PRZEZ BBC W CIOGU OSTATNICH 7 DNI OTO LINK http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/ wpisac tylko topgear potem Find programmes i cisszyc sie ogladaniem
    Źródło: forum.vectraklub.pl/index.php?showtopic=50474

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